Psychos still need to hear my voice

I just realized that the psychos I want to just to not deal with anymore need me to fight them. They are so empty without my attention. I seriously think people like Jim stachowiak who called to harass me missed me and needed to hear my voice. I am seriously done with these cowards. He said if I go after him that he will use a gun. Real men use their fists. But again I am trying to change and not allow this psycho to mess to affect me. I guess this proves how important I am to receive calls from blocked numbers so they can talk to me. My god people spend the money and get therapy and leave me alone I am not trying to fight I am getting healthier and stronger. I guess that scares the psychopaths that I just don’t talk about till they want to fuck with me. Ill say this again I am not going to post stuff again. I only fight those who are attacking me physically. I am done with fake internet battles and sissy bitch shit of calling blocked and talking crazy. I shouldn’t have picked up in the first place but curiosity got the better of me. Oh well lesson learned

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