Open letter to the National Puerto Rican Parade Inc

To whomever this may Concern;

As a proud Borinquen I feel that the Puerto Rican Parade has been failing at truly celebrating the history and pride of the Island. I feel we Boricuas are more than just shouting Puerto Rico or Boricua sponsored by Coors light and McDonalds. Why are not our scientist, politicians, and historical figures honored? Why isn’t Don Pedro Albizu Campos (who was killed by the United States Government) honored? Why are we just reduced to lustful loud hicks? The fact that feminist groups tried to shut down the parade for good because some of us became animals years ago should speak volumes. 
The police are there to watch us, not to protect.  Look at the tone of the Israeli parade and ours. In 2011 I saw private security that looked like black water with the NYPD. The parade has just become a god damn infomercial for garbage.  I mean if I didn’t know any better of our rich history I would believe that our culture was about drinking heavily, eating junk food, sexualizing our women, and overall consumerism. 
I mean what the hell a motor club has to do with the island? I know you can’t do anything to save this year’s parade but please remember we are more. I mean what about a float to honor the Young Lords.  Rosie Perez has done a lot for the Puerto Rican people with her documentary “Yo Soy Boricua pa’que tu lo sepas”. Why doesn’t The National Puerto Rican Parade INC support the Michael Torres documentary “Who is Albizu Campos”? 
In closing the Point I want to make is that this parade should be to educate and remind us that we are hospitable and loving and strong people. Remind Us that we are under military rule and that we can change for the better.  I demand that you do better!  
Louie Bee

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