How to spot a cyber stalker

In this digital age the internet is where you can exchange ideas. Unfortunately it is also free to the mentally ill. They come out of the blue and start stalking you over the net it is called Cyber Stalking. these psychos are called Cyber stalkers. A cyber stalker may be an online stranger or a person whom the target knows. A cyber stalker may be anonymous and may solicit involvement of other people online who do not even know the target.

These are 11 ways to spot a cyber stalker:

  1. They allege criminal behavior yet never report to law enforcement. 
  2. They copy old photos of you and make nasty comments. 
  3. When you don’t respond they invent one-sided conversations.
  4. They solicit strangers & encourage them to retweet lies. 
  5. They attribute their own psychological defects to their victims. 
  6. They make lurid allegations, but never provide any evidence. 
  7. They rely on the mob argument and no smoke without fire. 
  8. They’re obsessed with their victim’s name & never their own. 
  9. They publish a victim’s contact data for no valid reason . 
  10. They think they’re anonymous, but in fact they’re always traceable.
  11. They have many alter egos all with the same spelling errors.

    One thought on “How to spot a cyber stalker

    1. Nice checklist, Louie. Perhaps there should be an article dedicated towards doing the same thing about the Patriot Rockstars.

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