Great Men’s Rights Youtube Channels

  1. tjsotomayor – Tommy Sotomayor he is sometime very hilarious sometimes dead ass serious but always so damn truthful about the hypocrisy of western black women. 
  2. pinegrove33 – Bernard Chapin of “Chapin’s Inferno- A wandering cauldron of politically incorrect commentary”. Finds articles showing how women are coddled in western society.
  3. Begood4000– James of teaches men about the toxic personalities of narcissistic women who are abusive towards.
  4. johntheother – John exposes the man hating radical feminist. How they use the Law to punish men for being men. 
  5. Man Woman & Myth – A channel concerned with male-female relations, men’s rights, Feminism and the analysis of misandry in Western societies. This channel will contain selected clips from a documentary film completed in 2009 which was 7 years in the making. The film explores all aspects of male-female relations from a man’s point-of-view looking at the various reasons behind the negative treatment of men in Western society, including the root cause: Feminism.
  6. TheHappyMisogynist – Features Clips from A Voice for Men Radio show
  7. barbarossaaaa Further proof of misandry in western society. 
  8. The Final Justice Network – The FJM Network For Justice & Truth is an internet peripheral of Final Justice, a movement dedicated to spreading the truth of misandry and male hatred and to moving forward towards true equality and love between men and women.
  9. The Ignored Gender – Vinny exposed through personal experiences that Men have been unfairly treated and discriminated against and these issues are never mentioned in the news. 
Also consider visiting these sites.
  2. A voice for men –
More to come

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