Bronx DA’s Office Suffers From The Great Resignation

So far this year, 88 attorneys have resigned from the Bronx prosecutor, compared to 58 last year and 62 the previous year. Departures make up a significant proportion of the bureau’s legal staff, which lists 461 assistant prosecutors as active. in the city’s payslips for the last fiscal year. A Bronx District Attorney spokesman, Darcel Clark was reluctant to comment on why the numbers were higher this year than previous years. For years, the Bronx prosecutor’s office has been struggling to keep prosecutors. Earlier this year, WNYC / Gothamist reported on various offices within the agency struggling to fill their lists. Despite these challenges and the disproportionate amount of violent crime in the city that the agency deals with, city officials have consistently chosen to give the Bronx District Attorney less per capita funding than their counterparts in larger counties. At previous public appearances, District Attorney Clark has argued that these funding differences have resulted in lower salaries for his prosecutors, which has helped increase turnover. Former Bronx prosecutors speculated that the high number of resignations could be due to new job expectations sparked by the office’s personal return to work, as well as New York’s Discovery 2020 reform bill, which now requires prosecutors to test defendants a lot earlier than they used to pass. April Cohen, a defense attorney who previously served as a prosecutor in the Bronx, noted that some of her former colleagues had enjoyed being able to set more flexible hours and work from home during the height of the pandemic.“So you can’t keep people. Resignations from the Bronx Attorney’s Office can be part of a larger phenomenon. This year, Americans across the country left their jobs at unusually high rates. In other counties, prosecutor resignations were on par with last year, 83 resigned in Manhattan compared to 78 last year, 74 resigned in Brooklyn, a slight improvement over 83 in 2020, and 48 left. Up from 42 last year. it made up a slightly smaller percentage of the agency’s attorney general staff than the Bronx losses that year.

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